Electronic Resource & Database Access

Login changes: Your login for Marx Library and Biomedical Library databases has changed. Your login name is now your J Number and your password is your JagNet password.

Access to electronic reserve and to online databases is limited by the University of South Alabama Libraries' licenses with vendors to current faculty, students and staff. If you get a bad username and password message, you may not be entitled to access. Alumni and Courtesy Card holders are not entitled to access our online databases remotely because this violates our licenses with database vendors who do not allow us to sell access to their products. If you think you received the message in error, contact the Library at webref@southalabama.edu.

Username: Jag Number (including the J00)
Password: JagNet password

If you still have problems with remote access, email the Marx Library at webref@southalabama.edu or call (251) 460-6045. To get in touch with the Biomedical Library, email medlib@southalabama.edu or call (251) 460-7044.

Health Systems Employees

If you do not already have a USAonline/Sakai account and are using the Health Systems email system, get a JagNet password at http://www.southalabama.edu/services/jagnet/emailkey.html.

Under Email Access Key, enter your J Number and your Health Systems email address. Click on Submit. You will get a message in your Health Systems email with a link to click on that will allow you to create a password.

Unpaid Adjunct Faculty with no Jag Number

Please contact the Biomedical Library Reference desk at (251) 460-7044 or medlib@southalabama.edu if you have not signed up for a library account, if you have not yet received your JagNet number (beginning with a V), if you have not given the Biomedical Library your current email address, or if you are having any trouble logging into the system. If you have been assigned a JagNet number (beginning with a V), but cannot remember your password, you can reset it here (https://www.southalabama.edu/services/jagnet/emailkey_v.html)

USAonline may cause problems with remote access. Use the Libraries' homepages at http://library.southalabama.edu/ (Marx Library) and http://www.southalabama.edu/departments/biomedicallibrary/ (Biomedical Library) instead.

Cookies must be enabled in order for remote access to work. For more on cookies, see Cookies, Firewalls and Popups. For information about deleting cookies, see Deleting Cookies.

For more on remote access and common problems with it, see Accessing Library Resources Off Campus. The single most common problem with remote access involves Internet Explorer. To fix it:

  • From the menu at the top of IE, select Tools
  • Select Internet Options
  • Select the Privacy tab
  • This is probably set to Medium; change to the Low setting
  • You may need to exit Internet Explorer and open it again.

The Low setting still restricts some cookies -- those that provide personal information and those that don't have a compact privacy policy.